Monday, March 22, 2010

Detroit 1966

All of these photos are fan-taken photographs from when The Beatles performed in Detroit in 1966. They were taken by Christine aka eppylover or a friend of hers. I guess the unfortunate things about these photo is that these fans had seats behind the stage. But I can't feel TOO sorry for these girls because they were at a Beatles concert!

I found these photos on her livejournal page. I am not sure if eppylover visits this blog at all (I have never came across any fan-taken photos of Brian Epstein, but I would sure love to!), but in case she does, I wanted to say hello and remind her that I was the girl named Sara and once sent her a magazine that had an article about Brian Epstein in it that she was wanting....


  1. OMG this gave me a larf, Sara!
    I get Google email alerts for all things Brian, and this was one of today's finds.

    Yes, every time I see "starshyne" I think of that nice girl on LJ's Beatlepics who did me that favor I shall never forget.

    If I ever come across the pic of Brian taken by a fan on the street (unless I'm dreaming I have it on my hard drive?) I'll be sure to let you know!

    I also have an old seldom-used blogspot blog that I really, really should update, because another old lady and I are administrating (administering?) a Facebook community to finally bloody well get Brian Epstein inducted into that frickin' Rock & Roll Hall of Fame where his boys (well, Ringo in the Beatles category) and Sir George Martin are!

    I put links to this blog post in both the Induct Brian FB and my own personal FB

    Thanks for the memories!


  2. loved your pix. i was at the concert. I was 9 year sold. we sat in the balcony. I remember Bobby Hebb singing "sunny" #2 in the country at the time.
