Sunday, December 20, 2009

Paul's leather jacket

Here is the continuous saga of Paul McCartney and the various jackets he has wore through the years. We now see Paul in the early 1980's, which was a time when he was frequently seen with a leather jacket. Let's hope it was a FAKE leather jacket.....


  1. Great stuff about paul who was very fond of wearing leather jackets.

  2. In the recent Scorcese film on George, there is a scene where George greets Paul teasingly, who is in a leather jacket, with something like " here`s Paul in a leather jacket" and Paul opens the jacket to show George the label inside, which I guess showed it was not made of leather.

    Super site!!

  3. Great and nice stuff i like it so much because i am big fan of Paul i like so much his film and dramas. your blog is interesting.

  4. love the pic with the natural white/grey hair

  5. looking for some good fashion news for my post!

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