Monday, March 16, 2009

The man with the BEST Beatles photos.

The Beatle fan who took what might be the best fan photos ever was Paul Saltzman. The shortened version of Paul's story goes like this: Paul was a Beatles fan and in 1964 saw them in concert in Toronto. In early 1968, Paul's girlfriend breaks up with him and he is devastated. He decides to travel to India to study meditation to help himself get over this break-up. Little did he know it, but the Beatles were there at the same time he was. So he gets to spend time hanging out with the Beatles and getting to know them while he is in India He also got permission to take photos of them. They are all found in his amazing book, The Beatles in Rishikesh (which I personally recommend). I am highlighting a few of those pictures here. However I encourage you all to get his book and / or purchase his prints.

Paul claims to have shot some of the home movie footage seen in the Beatles Anthology during the India section of the program. One of the neatest thing I have stumbled upon is a photo of Paul and Ringo in India looking at Ringo's video camera.


  1. It's actually a 16mm cine camera Sara

  2. i believe they all had 16mm film cameras, greg. i have photos of john holding his camera - and he seemed to be filming us fans!
